
Guest Comic – 11/14/14

Today’s guest comic comes from my daughter, who was so inspired by my Christmas greeting post that she wanted to create one of her own.

Abby ComicIf you can’t tell from the drawing, this poor lady’s stove is on fire. I have to agree, the turkey is probably ready.


The Dinner Diner – 11/5/14


I was trying to convey sarcasm in the last panel, but I think it may have come off as exasperation. As a chef, my boss is typically trying to tell me what people want, but it’s usually the wrong people.  If one person wants something, this is not a trend.

The Dinner Diner – 11/4/14


With Pam’s permission over at Pamo’s World , I incorporated two of her comic’s characters into a strip. She recently did one featuring Pirate Mike and I thought this was such a cool idea I was inspired to try a fan art of my own. I’m also working on one of Pirate Mike, so stay toon’d.

The Dinner Diner – 9/16/14


I know haven’t been posting regularly, but this is a normal challenge for the summer. I typically only have a few good months to try and get things done outdoors because in Minnesota it’s either too cold (winter), or too hot and humid (summer). The spring and fall, which can pass very quickly, have milder weather, but it also tends to rain more during those periods as well. One thing for sure can be said about Minnesota, we have a lot of weather. Or, as my favorite saying about Minnesota weather goes, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait.” The most entertaining of days are the ones where you turn the furnace on in the morning and the air conditioning in the afternoon, I’ve see those days with 60 degree temperature variations (near freezing in the morning and mid-nineties by the evening).

Until it either becomes too cold to work outside, or the snow starts flying. My ability to work on fun projects and post them will be diminished. The good news is, winter is near, which means lots of time to paint, draw, and create.